Our prices offer great value-for-money and flexibility. This will enable you to learn at a pace that is comfortable for you and at a price which is affordable for you:
Introductory offer
for 2 hour lesson
for 10 hour lesson
(£35 per hour)
General Prices From
for 1 hour lesson
for 2 hour lesson
(£40 per hour)
Block Bookings From
for 10 hours
Test Fees From
Which includes 2 hour pick
up before test time
Pass Plus From
for 6 hours
pass plus course
Cancellation Policy
Minimum 24 hour notice for cancellation/ amendments to your booking must be given or the full lesson rate will be charged.
Terms and conditions
Package bookings will expire six months after your first lesson and are non-refundable.
Our vehicle is covered by a valid insurance of insurance that satisfies all relevant United
Kingdom legislation. For more information, please ask your instructor.
It in the opinion of the instructor the student appears under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the instructor has the right to cancel the lesson and the lesson fee will still be

Sign Up Today. Satisfaction Guaranteed
Get in touch today. I will get back to you as soon as I can and look forward to speaking with you soon!
Please fill in the form to get in touch with me. I will get back to you as soon as I can and look forward to speaking with you very soon!
(0) 7859 941 004
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